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Many women go undiagnosed with ADHD until their teens or into adulthood.

In many cases, women don’t get a proper diagnosis until they’re in their late thirties or early forties.

Women who get diagnosed later in life miss out on early intervention resources, and many women may not have the time, money, or energy to get a diagnosis later in life, even if they suspect they may have ADHD.

This eBook hopes to help women with ADHD better understand what it is, how it might look differently in women, and how they can manage their ADHD with practical tips and strategies.

Become more aware of what YOU need to act and react in a way that is conducive to your inner peace of mind, and to the things you want to manage better in your life.

These questions will gradually increase your awareness, and will help you to observe your own actions and reactions to certain people, situations or life's circumstances. Over time, you see how this improves your interactions, productivity and quality of life.

The past is your lesson, learn from it.

The future is your motivation, prepare for it.

The present is your gift, live it.

This quote is exactly what you will be working with over

7 days in this workbook.

We will discuss techniques and daily practice that will help you to live and enjoy the present, teach you how to prepare for the future, and discover the impact of your past, to be able to use that knowledge to prepare even more efficiently for the future, and to be at peace in the present.

Be ready to do some serious soul searching,

to get you from just SURVIVING to THRIVING.

fact sheet: understanding adhd

Have some bite-size facts about ADHD ready in your pocket

to share with anyone that has questions,

or to remind yourself.

Send us a message on [email protected] or fill out the form below.

Drop us a message!

Copyright 2025. Karen Lucia & Buabble. All Rights Reserved.